The Springfield Art Museum has partnered with Keen Independent Research to develop a three year strategic plan to guide operations and decision making as it prepares to enter the construction period of its transformative 2028 Campaign for the Museum’s facility and grounds.
The Museum is first seeking wide public participation through completion of a brief electronic survey. The survey is available now and will accept responses through November 24, 2023. The Springfield Art Museum is the only American Alliance of Museums (AAM) accredited museum in southern Missouri and includes a wide service area including southwest Missouri and northwest Arkansas.
Museum Director Nick Nelson notes, “This is the perfect opportunity for those located anywhere in our service area to provide us with your thoughts. No matter your experience level with the visual arts or the Museum, we want to hear from you. Input from as diverse a range of sources as possible is key to understanding needs and attempting to develop a strategic plan that speaks directly to those needs.”
This survey is the first step in gathering input and will be followed with other opportunities for the public to weigh in on the developing strategic plan. The strategic planning process is set to conclude by June of 2024. Survey participants will be entered into a drawing to win a gift basket including Museum merchandise and a gift certificate for a Museum class or workshop. The Springfield Art Museum is located at 1111 East Brookside Drive. Admission is always free. Donations are gratefully accepted.
The Springfield Art Museum is Springfield, Missouri’s oldest cultural institution, founded in 1928. A department of the City of Springfield, the Museum invites you to connect with the world, your community, and yourself through active engagement with art objects. For more information, please CLICK HERE or contact Joshua Best, Museum Affairs Officer at (417) 874-2859 or