It is officially Missouri Good Neighbor Week!
Missouri Good Neighbor Week is September 28th through October 4th.
Missouri Good Neighbor Week, a statewide event signed into law in July 2022, encourages citizens of Missouri to “participate in events and activities to establish connections with their neighbors”.
According to the Missouri Good Neighbor Week website, the 2023 goal for Missouri Good Neighbor Week is to document 15,000 acts of neighboring in the state of Missouri. There is also a honor for Missouri’s most engaged neighbors both county-level and state-wide awards.
CLICK HERE to register your acts of neighboring, during Missouri Good Neighbor Week 2023.
CLICK HERE to nominate your most engaged neighbor.
The City of Springfield and other sponsors invite the public to participate in local Good Neighbor Week celebrations at various parks in Springfield, Missouri, throughout Missouri Good Neighbor Week.
CLICK HERE for more information about local Good Neighbor Week from the City of Springfield.
The sponsors of the local Good Neighbor Week celebrations include The City of Springfield, KY3, Hatch Foundation, Springfield-Greene County Park Board, Community Partnership of the Ozarks, Engaged Neighbor Program at the University of Missouri Extension, Aaron Sachs & Associates, Price Cutter and Springfield-Greene County Library District.