Black Lab Coffee Co. Galloway location CLOSING in Springfield

Black Lab Coffee Co. Galloway, located at 3541 S Lone Pine Ave in Springfield, Missouri, is closing.

Black Lab Coffee Galloway recently announced of their closing on their Facebook page. See the full statement below.

💔 SAD Post alert 📢💔

As of this Sunday, December 22nd,, we will close Galloway permanently.

With tears in our eyes and sadness in our hearts, we will be permanently closing. my wife, Christa, was diagnosed wth stage 3 Colon cancer recently and is fighting a tough fight. Alongside this and several other issues like construction restricting the flow of traffic and parking issues, it is in our best interest to shut down this location. Please still come see us in at The Black Lab coffee company in Republic.

❤️ thank you for almost 4 amazing years. ❤️💕

Come send us off right this weekend and say bye to your favorite baristas. They will now be in Republic😊

CLICK HERE to visit Black Lab Coffee Galloway Facebook page

Black Lab Coffee Co. is a gourmet coffee shop, serving breakfast, lunch sandwiches, desserts and more.

Black Lab Coffee Co. has one remaining location open, located at 1037 E Township St Suit 100, in Republic, Missouri.

For more information about Black Lab Coffee Co., CLICK HERE.

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