Ozarks Food Harvest Receives 40,000 pound Donation

Ozarks Food Harvest recently received a 40,000 pound donation from McDonald’s and Tyson Foods!

“Tyson Foods, in partnership with McDonald’s, donated more than 40,000 pounds of chicken breast fillet fritters, which will help provide more than 33,000 meals through Ozarks Food Harvest’s network of 270 faith-based and community charities. ” – Ozarks Food Harvest

According to a news release from Ozarks Food Harvest, Tyson Foods made their donation in honor of McDonald’s $15,000 donation to The Food Bank’s Hungerthon.

Ozarks Food Harvest’s 25th annual Hungerthon with iHeartRadio Springfield recently raised $252,900 for The Food Bank’s Weekend Backpack Program!

For more information on Ozarks Food Harvest recent Hungerton, CLICK HERE.

These generous donations made to Ozarks Food Harvest will help children, families, and seniors facing hunger across southwest Missouri.

“McDonald’s and Tyson Foods have supported Ozarks Food Harvest since 2008. McDonald’s has hosted multiple fundraisers to help provide more than 340,000 meals and Tyson has donated more than 600,000 pounds of chicken.” – Ozarks Food Harvest

To read the full news release ‘McDonald’s and Tyson Foods Donate 40,000 Pounds of Protein to Ozarks Food Harvest’ from Ozark Food Harvest, CLICK HERE.

“Ozarks Food Harvest is the Feeding America food bank for southwest Missouri, serving 270 hunger-relief organizations across 28 Ozarks counties. The Food Bank reaches nearly 50,000 individuals monthly and provides more than 20 million meals annually.” – Ozarks Food Harvest

For more information about Ozarks Food Harvest, CLICK HERE to visit their website.

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