Harmony House – iCare

They say domestic violence is a problem that happens behind closed doors.

Here’s a fact that blows those doors wide open – Greene County has one of the highest rates of domestic violence per capita than anywhere else in the state.

We, as a community, can do better than this.

On October 27th, 2023 Harmony House is holding a public awareness event called “iCare”.

Join people throughout the community who will be taking the “iCare” pledge to raise awareness of the domestic violence problem in our community and raise funds for Harmony House to help save lives.

Domestic violence is not a problem that can be kept hidden any longer. The secret is out; thousands of people in the Ozarks are trying to escape violence. On October 27 help us bring awareness to this epidemic.

Click the button below to donate to iCare in support of Harmony House, to help save lives.

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