Did you have New Year’s resolutions for 2023? No matter your answer, it’s never too late to create a new one. A great resolution to add to your list, is to volunteer in your local community!
The Ozarks Food Harvest is always looking and grateful for volunteers. “Volunteers make it possible for Ozarks Food Harvest to feed more than 50,000 individuals each month. Whether you volunteer monthly, or commit to a weekly schedule, your gift of time will Transform Hunger into Hopefor children, families and seniors in need in the Ozarks.” – Ozarks Food Harvest
Volunteer opportunities include weekdays, weekends, and in the gardens, which all aid in the impact and changing of lives.
“In a typical three-hour Sort & Pack session at the O’Reilly Center for Hunger Relief in Springfield, you will help provide more than 300 meals. Complete the easy volunteer application on our volunteer management system to become part of The Food Bank’s volunteer community, or if you’re a returning Hunger Hero, simply schedule your upcoming session.” – Ozarks Food Harvest
To find out more information on volunteering for Ozarks Food Harvest, CLICK HERE.